Aaron Peterson, SOGO Homes Real Estate

Category: Services, Legal

Contact: gowithsogo
Phone: 3309840909

Posted on: last week
Views: 2

"SOGO stands for “sell one, give one”. When a seller or buyer uses SOGO Homes to sell a home or buy a home, we take a portion of the realtor fees and place the funds in a trust. Once large enough, we then gift the the fund to a single mom as a down payment on their FIRST home. And….we are a full service, no strings attached, listing brokerage with all 5-Star reviews!…..at a $4800 flat fee! We save you thousands!!!! Go with your head, go with your heart!….. Go with SOGO!"

Contact us:
3570 Forest Lake Dr,, Uniontown, OH 44685

8am-9pm 7 days a week

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