Acoustic Pods & Booths Manufacturer in Mumbai

Contact: finixtatto
Phone: 9820042100

Posted on: 5 days ago
Views: 6

Ezeefit is a leading Acoustic Pods and Booths Manufacturer based in Mumbai, specializing in creating soundproof solutions for various environments. They design and build high-quality acoustic pods and booths that provide quiet, private spaces for work, meetings, or recording. Ezeefit’s products are perfect for offices, studios, and any area that requires noise reduction. The company focuses on offering durable, innovative, and functional designs to meet the needs of businesses and individuals. With a commitment to superior craftsmanship and advanced technology, Ezeefit ensures its acoustic solutions deliver excellent sound isolation and comfort in noisy urban settings like Mumbai. For more information visit our website

Full address:-Crystal Plaza Premises, New Link Road, Andheri (West), Mumbai - 400053. India.

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